Spanish Tortilla / عجة البطاطا

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This Omelette is known to the west as Spanish tortilla but to be honest, it exists in many countries including the Arabian ones. This style with onions is called Madrid style, and the additions are endless depending on which part of the county you are in. I much prefer it this way.

My whole family is so fond of the simple, humble and delightful dish, it is prepared at least twice a month at home, and it is a favourite family breakfast with spicy chopped tomato salsa pico di gallo on the side.

This is truly no-fuss cooking, and I am sure many of you already know how to make it, but for those who have never attempted it, please try it as I guarantee you will love it.

Nothing beats this dish when you are against the clock and with an empty fridge.

Buen provecho.

Servings: 2

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Start to finish: 30 minutes

cooking: 20 minutes


  • 600 grams potatoes

  • 1 Spanish onion

  • 1/4 cup olive oil

  • 5 eggs

  • salt


* Peel and slice the potato into semi-circles at 1 cm thick.

* Peel and roughly dice the onion and set aside.

* Heat the olive oil in a heavy cast iron or nonstick frying pan and add the potatoes. Season with salt and toss every now and again on low heat until slightly golden and cooked (depending on the potato variety it can take 10 to 20 minutes) at this point add the onions and cook for a further minute. The onions must not change colour.

* In a bowl beat the eggs with salt until frothy then fold the fried potatoes and onion into the eggs trying to keep the oil in the pan and mix.

* Reheat the pan with the remaining oil on the stove top and pour in the egg mixture. Cook for 1 minute on high pulling the cooked sides inwards then after the minute has passed lower the heat.

* Once it is set and the bottom has a golden colour invert the omelette on a plate then slide it back into the pan and finish cooking it on the other side for a minute or so.

* Gently slide it on a plate and serve immediately.


* If you Prefer a reduced oil omelette you can bake it in the oven at 180C fan setting for about 15 minutes or until you insert a fork and the eggs are cooked.

* Use your imagination for different variations for the filling.

Per Serving: 691 Calories; 40g Fat (51.4% calories from fat); 23g Protein; 62g Carbohydrate; 6g Dietary Fiber; 530mg Cholesterol; 195mg Sodium.