Breakfast Sweet Potato Hash

Breakfast sweet potato hash.jpg

For some, breakfast is their favourite meal. This dish is the perfect breakfast in bed though I can eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner, thumbs up all the way, a definite weekend indulgence. It takes a little time to make, but it is worth it and enough to keep you satisfied until dinner time. Gina, my daughter, suggested that I should share this recipe with you as the flavours work like magic together and create an unforgettable food coma moment. I added garlic, and onion powder to the potato hash as it lends it an irresistible flavour. This is truly a healthy breakfast and lunch at the same time, and it is packed with everything good for our health. Sweet potatoes are loaded with Vitamin C, B3, B5, B6, manganese and magnesium. Mushrooms are a good source of fibre and plant-based protein, spinach is an excellent source for vitamin B2, C and A in addition to iron and other minerals and salmon as we know is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin Bs and protein. So, there you go, a bouquet of vitamins and nutrients which make this a healthy breakfast for not only health conscious people but also diabetic with no other associated illnesses. I hope this will be on the menu for your next weekend brunch.

Servings: 2

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Start to finish: 30 minutes


  • 300 grams sweet potato

  • 200 grams of salmon

  • 3 tablespoons tapioca flour

  • pinch salt

  • 2 slice ginger

  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder

  • pinch white pepper

  • 250 grams mushroom

  • 250 grams of spinach

  • 1/2 avocado

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil


· Bring a pan of water with the ginger to the boil-just enough to cover the fillet - then turn it off and place the salmon fillet as seen in the picture. Cover the pan and leave aside until the water has cooled down. This will poach the salmon to perfection.

Poaching salmon with ginger.jpg

· Peel and coarsely grate the sweet potatoes, add some salt and squeeze excess water then add the tapioca flour, garlic powder, onion powder and white pepper, mix and set aside.

Shredding sweet potato and slicing mushroom.jpg
mixing tapiocan with sweet potato.jpg

· Slice the mushrooms and sauté in 1 tablespoon of olive until browned and the liquid is dry. Season to taste.

· Prepare guacamole and set aside.

· Split the sweet potato into 4 equal parts and heat some olive oil in a frying pan and flatten each ball to 5 mm thick discs. Cook on medium heat 3 minutes on the first side pressing down on the surface then flip to the other side and cook for a couple more minutes. It should be nicely browned, transfer to a paper-lined plate and cover. Repeat the process until all are done and cover with foil.

Flatten in a fry pan.jpg

· Remove the salmon, pat dry then flake into medium size bites.

Perfect Poached Salmon

Perfect Poached Salmon

· Reheat the mushrooms and add the spinach just until it wilts.

Saute mushroom till brown then add spinach.jpg

· Fry an egg sunny side up.

· Place the potato hash discs on a plate, top with the sauté of spinach, mushrooms, flaked salmon and the egg, then finish with guacamole and chopped spring onions.

Breakfast sweet potato hash.jpg


· You can substitute the mushrooms with any other vegetable, I like them as they are rich in fibre and very low in calories.

· Any leafy green vegetable will work such as kale, swiss chard etc…

· You can opt to poach the egg.

· Adding some smoked salmon to the poached salmon elevates the dish.

Per Serving: 618 Calories; 31g Fat (43.6% calories from fat); 37g Protein; 53g Carbohydrate; 9g Dietary Fiber; 264mg Cholesterol; 260mg Sodium.