Stovetop stuffed flatbread

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Working with dough is very easy despite it seemingly terrifying for most people. Most mixtures have the same ingredients in common with just a variation in measurements. Baking is a pure chemical formula when the quantity of an element has changed then the result and outcome changes. With time and practice, you will learn to bake by instinct.

I tend to make this stuffed bread on the weekend when we are more relaxed, and it counts as breakfast and lunch together.

Everyone in my family has their favourite filling, therefore, making these is a family affair where each person makes their own. Try it with a chocolate spread, and sliced banana then dusted with icing sugar, honey, caramel sauce or toffee sauce.

Your limit is your imagination.

Servings: 5

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Start to finish: 1 hour 30 minutes

Proofing: 1 hour


500 grams all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons yeast, instant

1 ½ teaspoon honey

2 teaspoons salt

260 millilitres warm water

2 ½ cups shredded cheddar cheese

100 grams of spinach leaves

chilli flakes

5 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 recipe Tex- Mex meat filling, optional


* In a glass bowl mix the flour, salt, yeast, honey and water and work with the hands until combined.

* Tip on the work surface and knead the dough for around 8 to 10 minutes until it is soft and elastic.

* Return to an oiled glass bowl and cover with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap and keep in a warm place until doubled in size.

* Place the tava or saj on medium heat then split into 5 balls and roll to a circular disc of 3 mm in thickness then place 1 cup cheese and spinach in each or place the meat sauce and cheese and seal in any way you fancy, roll again lightly.

* Brush one side with oil and place it facing down on the tava or saj then immediately brush the upper side with oil.

* Cook 3 minutes on each side and serve hot.


* You can experiment with any filling you like if you follow the technique.

* The quantity of cheese you desire to use is optional but do remember that most cheeses are high in fats.

* I love to eat this with zait and zaater.

Per Serving: 726 Calories; 33g Fat (41.7% calories from fat); 25g Protein; 80g Carbohydrate; 4g Dietary Fiber; 59mg Cholesterol; 1219mg Sodium.