Indian Chapati Recipe (Video)


Endless varieties of breads using different flours exist in India. Some of the most wide spread and commonly known are chapatis, roti, naan and parata. My favourite is chapati as the atta flour used is very flavoursome and the preparation is quick and easy just as I like it. 

At my home freshly made chapatis and curries run hand in hand. 

The reason I wanted to share this recipe with you is inspired by a trip to the local supermarket, where I over-heard a lady talking to her Indian helper and asking her why her chapatis don’t puff up and split as it shows on the packet of chapati flour. I smiled and could not resist sharing my knowledge, so off course I had to step in and explain the secret to the successful split chapati which in return creates a lighter bread. I always believe that cooking has no rules just techniques and for a successful chapati follow the exact steps and technique as in the video and the recipe instructions. 

Have a crack at this and you will never go back to store bought chapatis, try it with my Indian style tamarind chickpeas.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes 

Start to finish: 1.10 hour 

Resting: 30 minutes 


Yield: 15 small 

  • 2 cups chapati flour* 

  • Pinch salt 

  • 3/4 cup water 


* Place the flour in a glass bowl then add the salt and slowly add the water mixing with other hand. knead for 7 to 10 minutes then wrap the ball in plastic and leave it to rest 30 minutes. 

* Roll the dough into a sausage like shape to a diameter of 6 cm then cut it to discs 1 1/2 cm thick. 

* Place on a well-floured board and roll the disc to a thickness of 2 mm. 

* Place a tava or a fry pan on high heat until it becomes very hot then lower to medium heat and place the rolled chapati on it. 

* When you notice little bubbles starting to form on the surface turn it over and again when you see bubbles forming again press very gently with a clean damp cloth as this encourages the bread to separate. 

* When it starts to separate you have an option of placing it on direct fire for 2 seconds as this causes the air to expand rapidly and create a pocket or keep it on the tava until done. 

* Serve hot. 

*Most atta flour or chapati flour is a super finely milled durum wheat flour. 


* The whole process of cooking each chapati is less than 2 ½ minutes. 

* If you can’t find atta flour use a super fine ground wholemeal flour. 

* You may need to add a touch more of water if you feel the dough is still tough. 

* Chapati is suitable for freezing up to 3 months. 

Per chapati: 54 Calories; trace Fat (4.6% calories from fat); 2g Protein; 12g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 1mg Sodium.